A Basic Guideline About Child Custody and Support in OKC

During getting divorce, parents don’t agree on all the issues, such as child custody, support and time sharing. In that case, they go to court and appeal to the family law judge for better solutions. It is especially true for OKC because this state has some complex rules regarding child custody. The parents should hire a custody attorney to get help throughout the legal procedure and do what is best for their children. The court will decide on joint or shared legal custody to take care of the child's religion, education, dental and medical care. Courts also decide which parent is granted the primary physical custody and who gets visitation rights to see the child. But when the parents need to modify the court’s law due to some particular reason, the custody attorney will submit proof of why the modification is mandatory.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.