Some Important Facts about Legal Guardianship

"Children make your life important."

Every parent wants to see their child grow up and succeed. They provide for every aspect of their care, but what if something happens that leaves them without your care? Where will they go and what will they do without someone to look after them? These are questions that every person wants to avoid but must handle soon after the child’s birth.

In such cases appointing a guardian is an excellent legal option to ensure that kids get immense care in tough times. A guardianship lawyer in Oklahoma can help you understand how to complete the process without complications. Keep scrolling to learn what guardianship is and why it is necessary.

Understanding Guardianship

Have you thought about who will care for your children if something happens to you and your spouse? Well, the process in which a person gets the legal right to step in and take care of the children or any other person they cared for is known as guardianship. The ones who step in must take responsibility for all the minors or dependents. Let the guardianship lawyer tell you about all the duties you must take after you step in. The person to demands care can be anyone, like:

  • A child.

  • An elderly parent or family member.

  • Adults who can't take care of themselves.

Types of Guardianship Responsibility

The responsibility of a guardian depends on what they must take care of:

  • Guardian of a person where they have the custody of a person.

  • Guardians of an estate where they must manage finances.

Different Types of Guardians

The guardianship of a minor child is the first thing that comes to mind when discussing such a topic, but many other types are present. A guardianship lawyer can help you understand the differences so that you understand your responsibility correctly.

Limited Guardianship- This involves taking responsibility for selected needs.

Full Guardianship- The guardian has full responsibility for the person or estate.

Joint Guardianship- There is more than one guardian.

Other than that, there are many other guardianships, like:

Elderly- A guardian is appointed when an older person cannot care for themselves.

Medical- If people cannot make their own health decision correctly, then those decisions

become the responsibility of a medical guardian.

Financial- This type of guardian manages the finances and assets of a property.

Responsibility of a Guardian for Minor Child

After the court appoints you the guardian of a child, you have to take care of many aspects like:

  • Providing the child with all basic needs

  • Supporting the child with his/her social needs

  • Deciding on a medical emergency

  • Managing the child's financial aspects.

The Confidential Exclusion

Do you have someone in your life who you do not want to attain guardianship of your children? The confidential exclusion is a document that a guardianship lawyer can help you with that states the person's name and why they are unfit to be your child's guardian.

Some Common Mistakes According to Guardianship Lawyer

According to guardianship lawyers, people must correct common mistakes while selecting a guardian. Here are some points that can sway your decision:

  • Naming just one single person

  • Not letting them know how you want them to handle the situation

  • Leaving the whole thing on an informal arrangement

  • Looking at the potential person's finances

We Can Make the Process Easy

If you are ready with a name, you can call Reneau Law Group. We have been in this industry for more than 20 years and have some expert and experienced lawyers on our team. To get your free consultation today, call (405) 732-5432.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.