A Detailed Look at Child Custody Modification in Oklahoma

Variations are the only irreplaceable constants to notice. Sometimes, a shift in your thought process brings peace. Other times, changes in your decision can significantly twist your overall experience. Likewise, the need for a custody attorney in OKC arises when modifying a child custody agreement becomes necessary.

What are the two common reasons behind changing the child's custody?

  1. Custody requires change and hence you pick the modification path.

  2. Relocation is another reason behind prioritizing this legal step and taking support from a custody lawyer.

Our objective behind formulating this post is to walk you through the vital aspects, giving you deeper insights into the process.

Exploring the Fundamental Elements of Child Custody Modification

We know a common what-if that bothers various parents in OKC. They usually wonder if both parents must show their agreement to the modification. Let's clarify this aspect before jumping into some crucial steps.

The modification process occurs with or without the consent of both parents. Either one of them can opt for this option.

Shifting Focus to Some Essential Steps:

The child custody order adjustment can begin when parents prepare for the changes.

  • As you contact a reliable custody attorney, you can get better support concerning this matter.

  • The Exceptional Step: When parents disagree with the changes, going to court becomes mandatory.

  • The process begins with a Motion filing for Custody Order Modification, with the court initially issuing the custody order.

  • Parents must clearly state the reasons why custody changes are necessary.

  • What, according to you, would be a permanent modification? That's equally important to show to the court.

  • After the motion-filing step begins the hearing procedure wherein each parent gets a chance to hold their arguments.

  • However, safeguarding your rights during the process requires you to consult an experienced custody lawyer near you.

Here is what you will notice in the final stage: If the court finds your request worthy of modification, your wish will attain completion.

Pro Note: You should discuss the entire matter with your attorney to ensure the effectiveness of your modification request.

Viewing the Possibility of Circumstantial Changes

Your child can get custody modification under the following circumstantial variations.

  • The probability of financial complexities.

  • Parental relationship fluctuations.

  • Mental and physical variations.

  • Alcohol or drug abuse scenario.

  • Either parent attempts to restrict the other from meeting the kid.

  • Relocation factors.

The Purpose Behind Hiring the Best Custody Attorney

What makes choosing the best custody attorney a worthy decision? Let's explore the reasons below.

Better Counselling and Expertise:

Lawyers dealing with child custody can provide complete guidance on the legal process.

Experience Outshines Every Query:

They can address all your queries, turning challenges into insights.

The Error-Avoiding Help:

When you hire a professional lawyer for custody modification, the chances of blunders minimize to nothingness. They know what it takes to grant you success in the end.

Better Savings on Time and Money:

A not-so-experienced lawyer may drain your time and money, giving you no satisfaction. On the flip side, experienced attorneys will show you the path to better results.

Holding the Legal Hands of Reneau Law Group

When tough times make you afraid of the legal battle, Reneau Law Group arrives with its protective support shield. We have been practicing family law for over 20 years, ensuring better protection. Call us at (405) 732-5432 to schedule your appointment.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.