Modification on Child Custody and Visitation During Covid 19

If you have kids and are considering getting divorces soon, then child custody can be a complex issue for both of you. That’s why you must contact a custody attorney in OKC who can understand the difficulties of the law and your situation. Though in many cases, parents think that divorce is all about them but the court take the decision considering the best interest for the kids.

There is no doubt that this is the right thing to do and hiring the lawyer can ensure the fair custody and visiting rights. However, read this article to learn about the changes in child custody during the covid 19.

It’s true that we have beaten the disease and there is no chance of lock down again but still people are suffering from various strains of the covid till now. Therefore, some of the changes in the custody remain same and can be apply for you at any time.

What If Your Ex-Spouse Doesn’t Want to Change the Custody Agreement?

The sad reality is parents don’t agree on the contract which is the best for their children. You may worry about the safety of your child. If the house is not safe for the kids because both of you have high risk job, then day-to-day child care can be the best option for your kid. There are few things that is modified into custody agreement during covid 19. The following are:

  • Both of you work in high exposure risk including elder care, corrections, health care and meat processing.

  • Both of you are suffering from COVID-19

  • Your child has a lower immune system which may not stand against corona virus or other major illness.

You should contact a custody attorney to get the advantages which can be the best for your child.

What Kinds of Modifications are Available?

You can obtain these following visitation modification depend upon the relevant stay-at-home orders, state’s laws and the facts of your particular case.

  • Temporary postponement of shared physical custody.

  • Temporary postponement of in-person visits.

  • Supervised visitation.

  • Virtual visitation.

Are the States Issued Guidance a Result of the Covid-19 Crisis?

In most states of U.S.A. the courts provide online advice on child custody during the covid 19 pandemic. The court have decided that parents can switch their in-person to virtual visitation based on the situation. The court also have modified a few parts regarding the disease. The following topics are:

  1. What to do if one parent is diagnosed with covid 19.

  2. The court also prohibit nonessential travel during the pandemic.

Get Legal Advice

Understanding the legal system is quite challenging but when it comes to pandemic and your child’s safety, then it can be more complex than you have ever thought. If you want to protect your kids safety and carry on the divorce process smoothly, then contact us at Reneau Law Group in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.