Advantages of Considering Probate Process

Most people in Oklahoma City do not want to deal with probate because you have to invest a lot of time. It can also be costly, which will add to enforcing your last will, but it has its own set of benefits. When someone dies, everyone in their family gets confused about what they will do next and what will happen to their assets and property.

Their family member then must understand that the property they have left behind will go through the whole probate process. In most cases, the probate process will go smoothly and quickly but sometimes can become a nightmare. In such cases, you need to contact a probation attorney who can help you get through the whole process more efficiently.

What Is Probate?

Probate can be defined as a court-supervised process that can prove the decedent's will, which can name the executor that will administrate the estate. The Oklahoma City probation lawyer can help you clear off all the debts against the estate, and the remaining assets are distributed to the beneficiary. If the decedent does not create a will before their death, this process is called an administrator. The court then appoints a person who will settle the estate, and that person is called the 'administrator.' You might think that executor and administrator have different titles, so their work might differ, but that is not true.

Benefits of Probate

Though many people want to avoid the whole process as everyone has an idea that it is a process that will take up too much of their time, there are many advantages also. Some of the benefits are discussed below.

Close Out Creditors

If you have considered probate, then you get 90 days' time within which you can clear out the creditors to the probate estate. In another case, if any individual person passes away and they are avoiding probate, they are going to get two-year times to put in the claim.

Validity of Creditors' Claim

When you are probation process, you can challenge the validity of a creditor's claim. Some creditors can wrongfully claim their debt from the deceased; the probation attorney can help you figure that out so you don't get scammed.

Handling an Estate

Your family and relatives might not agree on who should get the money. They might not agree with the deceased's decision before dying, so the process will determine who will get the assets and property.

Get the Help of the Pro

When you are in the whole court monitoring process, you should consider hiring a lawyer from Reneau Law Group, where you get the most dedicated team of lawyers. Call to schedule a consultation.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.