What Should You Know About Child Custody & child support

Divorce or separation can be a difficult time, especially when children are involved. Questions and concerns about child custody can be overwhelming. What does custody even mean? How do you ensure your child's well-being? What are your rights as a parent? Understanding child custody rights is crucial for navigating this complex process. Whether you're in the midst of a separation or just want to be informed, this guide will break down everything you need to know about child custody in OKC. The support of a knowledgeable custody attorney in OKC can be invaluable during this emotional time.

Deciphering Child Custody Rights

Child custody encompasses the legal rights and responsibilities parents have in raising their children. A reputed custody attorney can help you understand and navigate these rights. It's broken down into two main categories:

Physical Custody: This concept encompasses the physical time a parent dedicates to their child's well-being, assuming the primary caregiver role. Responsibilities include:

  • Providing Basic Needs: Ensuring the child has adequate food, shelter, and clothing.

  • Daily Care: Managing the child's daily routines, including hygiene, meals, and sleep.

  • Emotional Support: Offering love, guidance, and nurturing to the child.

Legal Custody: This involves the right to make significant decisions regarding the child's upbringing, including:

  • Education: Choosing schools, extracurricular activities, and educational approaches.

  • Healthcare: Making decisions about medical treatment, doctors, and overall health.

  • Religion: Guiding the child's religious upbringing and practices.

Types of Child Custody

  • Shared Custody: The child spends roughly equal time with both parents. A custody attorney can help create a fair schedule.

  • Partial Custody: One parent has primary custody, while the other has regular, but less frequent, time with the child.

  • Visitation: One parent has primary custody, and the other has scheduled visits.

  • Sole Custody: One parent has all custody rights, and the other has none. A custody attorney is crucial in these cases.

Financial Responsibility for The Child

  • Equal Involvement: The law aims for both parents to be equally involved in their child's upbringing, financially and emotionally.

  • Financial Contribution: In cases where physical involvement is limited or unequal, child support comes into play to ensure fair financial contributions.

  • Balancing Contributions: Child support helps bridge the gap when one parent has less custody or earns less than the other.

  • Income Disparity: Even with equal custody, a higher-earning parent may be required to pay child support. This is to ensure that both parents contribute a proportionate share of their income to the child's well-being.

  • Equitable Proportion: The goal is for both parents to contribute roughly the same percentage of their income to support the child. A custody attorney can help calculate and negotiate a fair child support amount based on both parents' incomes and the child's needs.

Example: If one parent earns $40,000 annually and the other $200,000, a $10,000 annual contribution would be 25% of the lower earner's income and only 5% of the higher earners. Child support helps balance this disparity.

Seeking Legal Guidance From Custody Attorney In OKC

When dealing with child custody or support, a custody attorney is essential. They advocate for your needs and ensure the court understands your perspective. While fairness is the goal, a custody lawyer safeguards your rights and helps create equitable agreements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I Be Ordered to Pay Child Support Even with Equal Custody?

A: Yes, child support is gender-neutral. If the mother has less custody or earns more, she may be obligated to pay child support. A custody attorney can assist fathers in understanding their rights and seeking fair support.

Q: Is it Possible to Modify My Child Custody or Support Agreement?

A: Absolutely. If your circumstances change, you can seek modifications to your agreement. These changes aim to reflect your current situation accurately. A custody attorney can guide you through the process and determine if modification or appeal is appropriate.

Q: Can Fathers Get Child Support in OKC?

A: Yes, child support is gender-neutral. If the mother has less custody or earns more, she may be obligated to pay child support. A custody attorney can assist fathers in understanding their rights and seeking fair support.

Q: What's The Procedure for Paying Child Support?

A: Child support is typically paid through the state system. This allows for tracking payments and ensures timely support. It also protects both parents from false accusations or demands. Consult a custody attorney for guidance on payment methods.

Get The Support You Need Today

Trust the Reneau Law Group for expert guidance on your child custody and support issues. Our experienced custody attorney in OKC ensures your rights and your child's best interests are protected. Contact us today to secure a fair and balanced resolution for your family.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.