The Essential Considerations Before Relocating Child Custody

After a divorce, there will surely be major or minor issues regarding the relocation of child custody. As both parents will not be living together from now on, one of the guardians will have to take custody of the kids and secure their best interests. There are two ways of dealing with such situations.

1. Talk with your ex-partner and find the best solution for the child.

2. Take the problem to court and let the judge decide.

The first option will only be possible if you and your ex-partners are still on the same page even though your marriage is about to end. But if that is not the case, then you better lawyer up. Because if the issue goes to court, it will be impossible to secure custody of the child without the help of a custody attorney.

All of the states, at the end of the day, try to secure the best interests of the child. Nevertheless, the process of relocating a child’s custody is different in every other state. If your motives align with their methods, securing custody will be a cakewalk. However, if the court thinks that your motives are not entirely aligned with the child’s well-being and the future, it could be really bad for you.

Motives That Can Delay your Custody Acquisition

If your motives for acquiring the custody of the child are something like this, it would put you in bad faith in court. As a result, acquiring custody will be extremely problematic for you.

● If you want custody, take revenge on your ex-partner.

● If you wish to prevent your ex-partner from meeting your child.

● If your decision is severely harming the child’s life quality and reducing the support provided to him.

Speak with your child custody lawyer to deal with such issues.

What the Court and Your Custody Attorney Considers During Custody Acquisition

When dealing with the custody acquisition of your child, you have to know what the judge will think and consider while making a decision. Only if your motives can be aligned with his requirements you will be able to secure custody easily. Speak with your child custody lawyer and deal with the issues in an organized way. Judge will look for these elements in your statement.

● Whether your child’s health and safety standards are maintained.

● Whether the child’s lifestyle is being drastically affected.

● With whom does the child want to stay?

● Will the child have access to standard education?

● Will it affect the child’s mental state?

● Will the child still have the choice of going back to the other parent in the future?

If all these factors are in your favor, you will surely acquire your child’s custody within days.

Reneau Law Group Wants the Best for Your Child

Reneau Law Group is among the most prestigious legal firms with some of the best custody attorneys in OKC. Our lawyers are extremely educated, skilled and experienced. With their help, we are positive that the best interests of you and your child will be secured.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.