Relocation: Rights of Custody Parent and How Will the Court Act?

When two married people decide to get divorced, many things change. Gaps in communication, bitterness in relationships and parenting rights complicate the procedure more than we think! In addition, child custody becomes a headache for both parents when they can't take a solution that benefits them both.

When one of two parents tries to relocate with the child during the custody procedure, it can create more problems, such as expensive visitation costs and decreased parenting time for another parent. According to OKC law, if one parent wants to relocate with their minor child more than 75 miles, they have to give notice to their ex-spouse; it's mandatory.

Furthermore, the court will also decide whether the relocation idea serves the child's best interest. That's the time when a professional custody attorney can help you with the matter. Since child custody is a bit complex and the court will put the case under a microscope to understand the child's betterment, you may need someone expert to show the court that your decision is best for your child.

When Does The Court Permit Your Relocation Appeal With Your Kid?

The OKC law permits the custodial parent to relocate with their kid. But that does not mean they can take their child wherever they want. When the location is far more than 75 miles away and beyond 60 days notifying the other parent is mandatory. If another parent does not agree with it, with the help of a custody attorney, he/she can object in court.

The custody parent must notify the other parent about their relocation mentioning all the details. It should be done from at least 60 to 10 days before moving to another location. Here is the following information they should mention in the notice:

● The telephone number

● New address and mailing address

● Warn the other parent that they must file an objection in court against relocation Otherwise, the court will approve it

● Explain the reasons why relocation is mandatory

● The possible date of relocation

In Which Aspects Can Your Custody Attorney Help You to Sort Out This Matter?

The court will generally permit relocation if you and your ex-partner agree on this decision. But whenever it feels like you are going to lose your custody because of the relocation or the other parent is trying to trick you, consult with a professional custody attorney.

The expert will help you to give proper legal notice to another parent within a limited time frame. Also, the lawyer will ensure that your intention is good and will serve your kid's best interest. He will also continue the process through the court so that the other parent and the kid can continue their relationship.

When Can Your Relocation Application Be Denied in Court?

As parents, we always try our best to provide everything to our children; it's an instinct. Nowadays, parents try to get a better job to access a better life. But when they want to move for a job that requires 60 hours a week, the court will not allow the relocation at any cost. Furthermore, when the custody parent stays with a person with a history of domestic violence, no custody attorney in OKC will help them in that matter.

Custody Attorney- At Your Service Always!

There is no doubt that relocation cases are pretty complicated. Only an expert custody attorney will find the right way in this situation. However, you must know that the court will evaluate some factors about the relocation, such as the extent of involvement, nature and duration of the child's relationship with the other parent.

Moreover, the court also considers the educational and emotional development of the kid, requirements, age and how the relocation impacts the child. Therefore, don't keep any false hope. But you always have the privilege to consult this matter with a profound custody attorney. If you are serious about this matter and likely to discuss it now, call us at Reneau Law Group in OKC.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.