Overwhelmed By Child Support In Oklahoma? Find Guidance

After separation or divorce, child support becomes an essential part of family law, ensuring children's financial security and well-being. Figuring out how child support calculation works in Oklahoma. How much do you owe? What counts as income? Can the court estimate your earnings if you’re between jobs? Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. Section 118 is the key to understanding these answers. If you have questions about how the law applies to your situation, consider consulting a family attorney in OKC for expert guidance.

What Is Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. Section 118?

Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. Section 118 sets guidelines for child support calculations in the state. It considers factors like income, healthcare costs, and childcare expenses to ensure fair support arrangements. Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. Section 118 is crucial for understanding how child support is calculated. It defines “income” very broadly. This can be complex, so consider consulting a reputed family attorney for clarification about the following:

Calculating Your Monthly Gross Income

  • Inclusive Earnings: Section 118 accounts for all forms of compensation as part of gross monthly income. This includes not just regular pay but also irregular earnings like bonuses and commissions.

  • Diverse Income Sources: Additionally, income from rental properties, investments, and any form of self-employment are calculated to determine the total gross income.

  • Self-Employment Specifics: For self-employed parents, gross income is based on net business income after business expenses are accounted for, ensuring a fair assessment of available funds.

Allocation Considerations For Income

  • Voluntary Unemployment or Underemployment: If a parent chooses not to work or works below their capacity, courts can impute income.

  • Evaluating Potential Earnings: The imputed income is estimated based on what the parent could realistically earn, considering their skills, prior earnings, and current job market conditions.

  • Role of Legal Guidance: A family attorney can be crucial in arguing for or against the imputation of income, presenting evidence related to employment opportunities and constraints.

Allowable Deductions In Child Support

  • Pre-tax Deductions: The law allows deductions for federal and state income taxes, and FICA taxes (Social Security and Medicare).

  • Retirement Savings: Deductions also apply for mandatory retirement contributions, recognizing the importance of future financial security.

Adjustments For Existing Child Support

If a parent has existing child support obligations, those payments will factor into the calculation of support for a new case. This ensures a fair distribution of the parent's income across their dependent children.

Financial Considerations for Healthcare and Childcare:

The law recognizes essential expenses like health insurance and childcare when determining child support. These costs are shared by the parents based on their individual income levels, ensuring the child's well-being.

Departure From Standard Procedures

Child support guidelines (Section 118) offer a fair baseline, but judges can adjust them if necessary for the child's well-being. Deviations require detailed court explanations to ensure transparency and proper support.

Calculating Child Support Obligations With Help From Family Attorney

Following the income assessment as per Section 118, the court utilizes the “Child Support Schedule” to calculate the support amount. This schedule uses the parents’ combined income and the number of children to create a formulaic approach, ensuring consistent and equitable child support determinations. An Oklahoma city family attorney can guide through this process, helping to understand how the guidelines apply to an individual’s specific circumstances.

Take Control of Your Child Support Situation

Need help with child support calculations in Oklahoma? Don’t let uncertainty cloud your situation. Reneau Law Group’s family attorneys in OKC are here to help. With deep knowledge of Oklahoma Statute 43 O.S. Section 118, and can explain how it applies to your specific circumstances. Don’t wait. Contact us today for a consultation.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.