Learning the Details of the Probate Process in Oklahoma

After a person dies, someone needs to carry out their last will. That is the only way you will be able to know what happens to the person's property. Not just the assets, but they will also work on the person's liabilities. But if the events occur in Oklahoma, the state takes control of the deceased person's estate and executes the whole process. You will need assistance from a probate attorney in OKC to go through such a process.

You are most likely among millions of average Americans who barely know these problematic legal terms and their procedures. So, let us tell you some of the details about the probate process. That way, when you are planning to execute the will of your loved one, you will be able to get the job done without much of a hassle.

Probate: The Definition

As we have mentioned, probate is a process that lets the government overtake a deceased person's property and carry out their will. But you should be aware of several aspects of this process. For example,

  • Paying the debts of the deceased

  • Distributing the assets to their rightful owners

  • Paying all the outstanding taxes etc.

Probate: The Process

The process of probate is only sometimes necessary. So, it would be better for you to check that first with the authorities. And if they tell you to opt for probate, the process below will help you get through it smoothly.

Filing the Petition and Hiring a Probate Attorney

The first step of probate involves hiring a lawyer and beginning the petition-filing process. You file this document with the court and provide the estate's authority. A probate attorney helps you with the whole process. They make sure that you go through all the stages properly.

The Appointment of a Personal Representative

After filing the petition, the court appoints a Personal Representative to settle debts, distribute assets and pay taxes. The PR named in the will usually takes on the role unless there's a valid reason not to. State law determines who becomes the PR if there is no will or if it is invalid.

Sending Notifications to the Creditors

Now that you have handed the estate's authority to the state, you must alert the creditors about the probate process. That way, they will have the assurance that the states will pay off their money.

Completing the Process

During the end of the probate process, the personal representative must take necessary steps to settle the estate, which can involve recovering assets or paying debts through legal action. This complex process may require the guidance of an experienced Oklahoma City probate lawyer.

Where to Find the Lawyers

Now that you have enough information about the probate process, it is time to find a lawyer. And when you are looking for a probate attorney in OKC, Reneau Law Group is the place you call. Let the wait end. Call us now and book your appointment with one of our most experienced attorneys.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.