Is It Possible for a Parent to Lose Child Custody?

Oklahoma always considers the best possible interest of the kid before handing over the custody. It helps in maintaining the safety of the kid. The law focuses on the well-being of the kid and makes all the decisions. States understand two different custody, legal and physical while preparing the custody orders.

After all, no parent wants termination of parental rights. Above all, losing a child to the system can force parents to change the situation for better days. Alternatively, some know that termination of the right can bring relief since they cannot provide what their kid needs.

What is the process for terminating parental rights?

Terminating parental rights is undoubtedly one of the most dramatic and the strongest legal mechanisms that help in protecting the child’s interest. In most cases, termination proceeding becomes an important precursor for the adoption of the child.

There are a few major grounds where parents can lose their rights to raising a kid. In such cases, hiring a custody attorney in OKC becomes the best idea for a hassle-free resolution of the cases.

Few common grounds when parental rights are terminated

There are certain factors that can impact the parental rights of a family. Here are a few common grounds that determine parental rights.

Child abuse

  • Chronic abuse of the child can make you lose the right

  • Sexual abuse of the kid can be yet another reason

  • Psychological abuse or even torture can make you lose the right

  • Neglecting other kids in the same house

  • Neglecting the child by the incapability of providing food, shelter, or other care can be the biggest issue

  • Abandoning the child or showing extreme disinterest

Parental issues

  • Having long term mental issues can lead to the loss of the parental rights

  • Failing to support the child

  • Failing to give education

  • Failing to stay in touch with the kid

  • Forcing the child to commit a crime

Additional factors

There are a few additional factors, which determine whether a parent will get the freedom to raise the kid. If not, it is better to take help from the custody attorney. Any risk of a substantial threat to the kid can be yet another factor. A child requires continuous care, and if the parent fails to provide it, they will lose the right of raising the kid.

Talk to lawyers and know more about parental rights

Whether it is physical abuse or alcohol, taking away parental rights can no doubt be a serious process. You should not take it lightly. Reneau Law Group takes up child custody cases. If you are facing any issues, you must come to us.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.