Is it Okay to Switch Attorneys During a Custody Related Case?

The battle for custody is the most important thing to consider after a divorce. If you had a child with your ex-partner, such a battle is unavoidable. To prepare yourself for the battle, you have to find a trustworthy family attorney to represent you.

But not all attorneys are equally skilled or experienced. That is why you might need to change the lawyer in the middle of the case. For times like that, we have compiled this article for you. It will help you understand the ups and downs of making such a drastic change.

Why Change the Family Attorney in the Middle of a Case?

The battle for the custody of a child is very crucial for both parents. You do not want the process to go long, yet get the rightful custody of your child. In between all this, changing the attorney might not sound sane. But if you are facing one of these problems, you should still go for it:

●     You find your attorney is not qualified or experienced enough to handle your situation.

●     Your attorney is not understanding your situation and needs and taking the wrong steps.

●     You have found some new information about your lawyer that is not pleasing.

●     Your attorney is being argumentative with you more than the opposition.

●     Your attorney is keeping secrets from you about the case.

The Side Effects of Changing an Attorney Between the Cases

The process of changing an attorney is not very simple. Going through this process in between the trial can affect the case. That is why, before you make your decision, you should know these things:

Extra Cost

You may have to spend some extra money if you are changing your family lawyer in between the case. You will never be able to get a full refund from your previous attorney, as he has already worked with you for some time. But the new attorney will not listen to that. You will have to pay him the whole amount to get him on board. As a result, you will have to spend some extra bucks from your pocket.

Lose Time

As we said earlier, every second is important when your child’s custody and future are on the line. Therefore, it is necessary for you to finish the trial as fast as possible. But changing the lawyer will stop that from happening. You will lose some valuable time in the process.

Even so, sometimes situations are so bad that you must get on with them even after knowing the consequences. In such conditions, the following information will help you get an educated and skilled lawyer.

Reneau Law Group Are the Pros You Need

If you are looking for an authentic attorney and want to avoid the hassle of changing your lawyer in the middle of the case, we are here. Call Reneau Law Group and get the best family attorney in OKC. Our fees are reasonable, and the change process is simple. With our help, the chances of you winning the custody battle will significantly increase.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.