Filing the Divorce First- The Benefits One Gets to Enjoy

Filing for divorce is a big decision that can significantly impact your life. If you're considering filing for divorce, you may be wondering if it matters who files first. While both options have pros and cons, filing first can give you some advantages that could benefit you during the divorce process as suggested by divorce attorneys. In this article, we'll explore some of the key considerations to remember if you're considering filing for divorce first.

Filing the Divorce First- What Considerations You Must Keep in Mind?

If you decide to file for divorce first, there are several essential things you'll want to consider:

You Can Make the First Move to Find the Best Divorce Attorney

One of the main advantages of filing for divorce is that you get the first choice when hiring professional help. This includes choosing a divorce attorney to represent you during the legal process.

  • By filing first, you can take your time to research and find an attorney who is the best fit for your needs.

  • Additionally, the attorney you hire can help you prepare for what to expect during the divorce process and provide guidance on protecting your legal rights and interests.

You Can Seek for Additional Help

Divorce is stressful and emotional and it's important to have support. By filing for divorce first, you can give yourself more time to find additional support for yourself and your children. This may include seeking a therapist, joining a support group or finding a divorce coach to provide guidance and support.

No Emotional Compromise Is Required

  • By filing for divorce first, you have more time to plan your next steps and gather your thoughts.

  • This can help you avoid making emotional decisions that could compromise your legal position or result in adverse outcomes.

  • Taking the time to plan can help you make informed decisions in your and your family's best interests.

Take Time to Gather All Essential Legal Documents

You must provide documentation to support your claims and arguments during the divorce process. By filing for divorce first, you can start gathering the necessary documentation early on in the process that some of the best divorce lawyers in OKC suggest doing. This may include financial documents, such as bank statements and tax returns, as well as legal documents, such as prenuptial agreements and custody orders.

Your Financial Position Will Boost Up

By filing for divorce first, you can get yourself into a more advantageous financial position. This is because the court may be more likely to take into account the financial status quo at the time of filing when making decisions about spousal support and property division.

Additionally, by filing first, you can take steps to protect your financial interests and assets, such as opening a separate bank account or credit card in your name only. Make sure to talk to your divorce lawyer before making any move.

The Vital Steps of Hiring Divorce First

When you file for divorce first, you'll need to follow specific steps to initiate the legal process. These steps may vary depending on the laws in your state but generally include the following:

Filing a Petition for Divorce: The first step in filing for divorce is to prepare and file a petition for divorce with the court. This petition will outline the grounds for divorce, such as irreconcilable differences or adultery.

Serving the Petition: Once you file the petition, you must serve a copy of the petition on your spouse. This can be done in person, by mail or by hiring a process server.

Waiting Period: In many states, there are several months before the divorce can be finalized. During this time, you and your spouse may need to attend mediation or negotiation sessions to agree on issues such as property division, spousal support, child custody and child support.

Discovery: After the waiting period, the discovery process begins. This involves gathering information and evidence to support your claims and arguments. This may include financial documents, depositions and interrogatories.

Settlement or Trial: Once the discovery process is complete, you and your spouse can negotiate a settlement agreement. If you can't settle, the case may proceed to trial, where a judge will decide on the issues in dispute. The best divorce attorneys say, settlement is a good idea.

We Say- This Too Shall Pass

Some of the reputable divorce attorneys in OKC are here at Reneau Law Group. We have attorneys on our team with years of experience. We make sure you get what you deserve. Book a free consultation with us now!

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.