Do Family Courts Change Their Order Under Specific Circumstances?

Generally, family courts are involved in most of the emotionally challenging cases that arise between family members. The family court system of Oklahoma understands the fact that the judges make the final decision based on life circumstances which might change because of any of the involved parties. The individual party gets time to adjust the terms of their family court orders because of the modification process in response to unforeseen life events.

You may wonder if the court order goes against your case, whether you will have to abide by the terms of the case or you can change it under certain circumstances. Keep in mind that family court order is quite flexible.

You can modify the court order if the circumstances of your life have changed recently because of forces beyond your control. Consequently, you should understand the modification process clearly to learn about your rights fully. You can also contact an experienced family attorney to get proper guidance during the procedure.

Domestic Violence

You may know that the rate of domestic violence has increased every day because of financial tensions within families, lockdowns and many other causes. For instance, you may get a family court order including child support obligations, child custody provisions, alimony, or visitation. In that case, you should appeal to the court to change those terms if your ex-spouse commits any type of domestic violence in the house.

Suppose, both you and your spouse share custody of your child and you get to know that he or she harms your child in any way. Then you should inform the police and obtain a temporary restraining order promptly. After ensuring the safety of your child, request the court to make the restraining order permanent. As a result, your spouse may lose the custody right and face criminal prosecution under Oklahoma’s domestic violence laws.

Disputes in Child Custody

If you get divorced from your spouse and have children or your live-in partner doesn't want to continue this relationship anymore, then you must need a child custody order from the family court.

Keep in mind that the right of child custody is given to an individual based on a few factors. There is a possibility that one of these factors changes and you cannot obey the current terms anymore, then you should file a petition for modification. Keep one thing in mind that a judge can change a child custody order because of various reasons. The following are:

Physical relocation.

  • One of the parents can’t follow the custody terms anymore.

  • The child’s needs have changed under specific circumstances.

  • Parent’s Situation Has Changed.

Let Us Help You

Feeling confused? It is true that if you don’t have a law background, then you may not decipher the complexities of the rules properly and that’s fine. Not everybody is a specialist in every subject. If you want to ask other questions and seek legal help to assist your case, then contact Reneau Law Group in OKC. Our experienced family attorneys will evaluate your case and guide you throughout the process.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.