Child Custody and Father’s Right in Oklahoma

Being a parent, you definitely have rights and responsibilities towards your kid. Many people believe that the mothers have more rights towards the kid compared to the father, which is completely wrong. On top of that, when it is about your child’s custody, these misconceptions do not work.

Both wedded and unwed couples have equal rights towards their kids. Both the parents should be able to adopt the governing principles in a child custody case. Here, we will clear the misconceptions regarding the child custody in Oklahoma.

Some Misconceptions When It Comes To Child Custody

As already mentioned, most fathers believe that mothers have the superior rights to deal with the kids.. The reality is, mothers do not always win the custody legally. Also, gender bias is prohibited in the Family Law Courts of Oklahoma. Every kid needs both of their parents.

You need to spend more time with your kids than the mother to understand whether gender bias exists. It is always recommended to choose a custody attorney who can fiercely deal with your case and does not believe in gender biasness.

Some Tips for Fathers Taking Up Child Custody

Here are a few wise actions that you can take if you are a father and you are looking for joint custody or extended visitation along with your kids. Before hiring any custody attorney in Oklahoma keeping these things in mind is inevitable.

Do Not Forget To Stand Up For Yourself

Avoid getting dictated by your wife regarding how long you can see your kids, post separation. You have the same amount of rights towards your kids until a court order says anything different to you. Document everything regarding how your wife is treating you every time you feel like spending time with your kids.

Look for a Smart & Skilled Advocate

It is important to understand that not all custody attorney is equal. Before you are hiring anyone, make sure you are doing enough research on him/her. An experienced and well-knowledgeable attorney will always take you to the right direction.

Do Not Let Your Child Miss You

Reneau Law Group help fathers fight the best case possible for establishing paternity. Out attorneys make sure that you get to spend sufficient amount of time with your kid by assuring you legal rights.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.