Changing Your Last Name After a Divorce? Why and Why Not.

A divorce is definitely going to bring about some big changes in your life. Now apart from updating your beneficiary form and other legal paperwork, you might also be considering changing your married last name. From what we have heard our divorce attorneys say, going back to their maiden name after a divorce can be a way to claim their life back for some women, others may not really care or be deterred by the slew of paperwork accompanying the decision.

There are several pros and cons that come with changing your married name. We urge you take steps that make sure your best interests are upheld.

Pros of Changing Your Married Name Post Divorce

Clean Slate

A divorce, if nothing, is a way for the individual to get a fresh start in life. Dropping one’s ex-husband’s name may do little on papers but it can be a major clean break for many women. Getting rid of an old name can catalyze the process of reinventing themselves after a failed marriage.

Shed an Unwanted Name

Even if you do not require to go back to your maiden name to figure your life out following a divorce, you may still not see the point of hanging on to the remnant of a person who’s no longer (that too legally) a part of your life. Other times, a woman may just dislike their married name and find the divorce an opportune moment to revert back to her family name. Severing ties with a name after divorce is often a cathartic release. Remember, your emotions are a valid reason to make that decision.

Dating Profile

There is not a lot of evidence supporting this theory, but many women feel like keeping their ex’s last name could make it harder for them to re-enter the dating pool. It may also be linked to how confident you feel approaching someone you like. If you feel your old name weighing you down you have every right to change it, without worrying about seeming petty to others.

Cons of Changing Your Married Name Post Divorce


Changing your married name after divorce does involve some amount of paperwork and waiting in lines at different government offices. Basically, whenever the government gets involved, bureaucratic processes become doubly more complicated. A surprising number of women shy away from changing back to their maiden name simply because they don’t want to deal with the upending hassle. Thankfully, today, talking to your divorce attorney can make the process much easier.


Many careers, including doctors, require licenses and certifications that can be a huge pain to change after a divorce. Apart from the legal documents, several professions have a network and practice that clearly won’t benefit from a name change. If you consider your married last name to be a part of your brand, the best divorce lawyers would suggest against letting go of it.


Children, especially young kids can struggle with the concept of a new name. Make sure that you take the time to talk to your children about what’s happening and why. However, with blended families becoming more and more common in the American society, it shouldn’t be too hard to explain to your kid why you have a different last name than them. If you wish and your kids consent to, you can even change their last name to your own.

Reneau Law Group, Oklahoma City has worked in the areas of family law, bankruptcy, probate, and criminal law among others for the last 20 years. We ensure that our clients have access to 100% of the information, and we are equally proficient in being upfront and honest with our services. Even with the most difficult cases, you are guaranteed to find value with us. Free consultations, now available at (405) 732-5432.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.