All the Knowledge You Need About Guardianship

Guardianship is a legal proceeding in which a court designates a person to take care of the adult/child or their property. Guardian is the person who the court has designated. On the other hand, the ward is the person the guardian appointed. This sometimes happens if the child's parents are not alive anymore or if they can't take care of the child anymore. Most of the time, the guardian is the child's relative or someone close to the parents. But if you want to become a child's guardian, you need to complete a form and then win the proceeding, which won't be easy without a guardianship lawyer in Oklahoma.

What Does a Guardian Do?

There are certain rules that the guardian has to follow, which were created by the court, which a guardianship lawyer can help you with. Some of the rules are as follows:

  • All direct that the court gives need to be followed

  • Be responsible for the care of the ward

  • Report health and finance of the ward every year

  • Make sure that the ward is safe and healthy

Why Is It Needed?

The main reason for guardianship is to provide legal care for individuals who cannot take care of themselves, whether big or small.

Adult- if a ward is partially or fully incapacitated, then guardianship is done over them. A guardianship lawyer can help you understand how to take guardianship over them and what role you have to play.

Child- sometimes, getting the guardianship of a minor is necessary as they might not be able to take care of themselves on their own. In some cases, the parents have chosen who they would like their child to go to and make a will before they die. The guardian has the win the case with the help of their guardianship lawyer to get the guardianship of the minor.

What is the Different Sort of Guardianship?

Guardianship can be taken in three different forms:

Limited guardianship

In a limited guardianship, the guardian has only little control over the minor, and their property belongs to them. This is the second form of custody.

Special guardianship

This form of guardianship is done only during an emergency, and custody is needed for a short time. This only lasts for less than ten days and should be proceeded only with the help of a guardianship lawyer.

General guardianship

General guardianship is the first form of guardianship in Oklahoma. In this one, the guardian has complete control over the ward and, in many cases, even the property that the minor owns.

Trying to Seek Guardianship? We Can Help!

Reneau Law Group has experienced lawyers dealing with this kind of case and knows exactly how to get custody. You can trust us, and we will give you the best results. Call to schedule your consultation today.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.