6 Testifying Rules for Family Law Cases

According to the law, the family courts can evolve the rules of their procedures. The court ensures both parties that the problem is addressed properly to reduce the chances of further conflict. The court makes an environment where people come to settle their family disputes amicably.

When the time comes for testifying, you must follow a few basic rules. It does not matter whether you are a client or a litigant, the rules remain the same for everyone. It is not easy to get up on the stand and testify for your case, but reviewing these top rules helps you to stay calm and focused in the courtroom . Nevertheless, if you have any doubts in mind, then contact your family attorney to talk about this.

Tell the Truth You Know

Everybody speaks for themselves in the courtroom. But if the court catches you lying on the stand, then you may be subjected to punishment. No matter what you say it is still questionable. The worst thing that can happen to you is that the lawyer may withdraw from the case.

Answer the Questions Only

You should not get distracted in the courtroom while answering the questions. The lawyer or the judge can ask you a handful of questions and you have to answer them accordingly. Otherwise, your testimony can help your opponent party to use it against you. You should answer the question properly and avoid providing more information that is unnecessary in that particular matter.

Repeat the Question

This is a small trick that can stop the worst things from happening. Most of the time, people may hear the questions properly but fail to decipher the same. An expert family attorney will always suggest you repeat the question before you answer. But if you fail to repeat it, tell the lawyer to ask it again.

Support the Conclusion With Facts

When you finish your testimony in the courtroom, the lawyer or the judge may ask you to elaborate the facts to support the information. For instance, if you tell them the price of any of your valuable items, then the court may ask you what you base that on?

Stay Calm

Testimony is very stressful if you don’t have any prior experience in it. Many people forget all the rules in the courtroom because of their nervousness. You have to stay calm to stand for yourself because nobody is present there to help you except your lawyer. Try to do breathing exercises before going to the courtroom to ease your tension.

Stand for Yourself

Almost everybody gets scared when they hear about lawyers, police, or the courtroom, etc. People want to avoid them as much as possible but it is not always workable. There is always a chance that you may encounter these problems one day as our lives are unpredictable.

If you ever fall into this situation ever, call Reneau Law Group in OKC. Our skilled and learned attorneys will help you win the game.

**Disclaimer: The above article does not imply a relationship between attorney and client, nor does it aim to provide any legal advice.